What do you understand by "Compaction Factor Test" for measurement of workability of concrete?
Aim: To find out the compaction factor for the given fresh mix of concrete.
Theory: Work-ability of concrete is the ability/ease with which concrete can be mixed, transported and placed. This is a major factor which contributes to the other properties of concrete also. If concrete is workable enough then it can be compacted with less compacting effort. So there is a relation between the amount of work required to compact a given fresh concrete and the work-ability of the concrete. This relation is well suited for the concrete of the low water cement ratio. Slump cone test is also used to find out the work-ability of the concrete but only recommended for the concrete of higher work-ability. For less workable concrete(having less water cement ratio), compaction is standardized by various standards.
Apparatus: Compaction factor apparatus/machine, weighing balance, cow/mixing tray.
- Oil the inner sides of the top and bottom cone frustum.
- Prepare a M15 concrete mix(1:2:4) using a water content of about 0.4-0.6 by weight of cement.
- Fill the top cone frustum with the fresh mix of concrete and then open the gate and let the concrete fall on the second frustum.
- Open the gate of second frustum and let it fall on the cylinder to fill up to top of cylinder.
- Measure the weight of the cylinder filled with the concrete(partially compacted) and then empty this.
- Again fill the cylinder with the same sample of the concrete but this time, do the compaction using the mechanical vibrator to do the compaction.
- Again measure the weight of the cylinder filled with the concrete(Fully compacted).
- Clean all the apparatus and put them at their places as before.
Let weight of the empty cylinder = W1
Let weight of the cylinder with the partially compacted concrete = W2
Let weight of the fully compacted(Using mechanical vibrator) concrete with cylinder = W3
Compaction Factor = Weight of the partially compacted concrete/ Weight of the fully compacted concrete
i.e., Compaction factor = (W2-W1)/(W3-W1)
Result: The compaction factor of the given fresh concrete mix is .....
(Note: Relation between the compaction factor and work-ability is that higher the compaction factor higher is the work-ability. Theoretical maximum value of the compaction factor can be 0.96 to 1.0)