Load bearing wall building v framed wall building

What is the difference between "Load bearing wall building structure" and "framed wall building structure"?

Load bearing structures are structures where the load is transferred to the foundations via load bearing internal and external walls e.g. masonry houses, pyramids in Egypt. They are generally characterized by having a small window to wall ratio (i.e. more structural wall area than window openings) and internal walls. Due to the large stresses within the brick or stone walls the height of load bearing structures is limited.

A framed structure is composed of beams and columns. With the load being transferred into the beams via the floor and then down to foundations through the columns. These types of structures can have open internal spaces and clad in glass (curtain walling) or have large windows. Think of modern day skyscrapers. The first framed building was the Home Insurance Building in Chicago built in 1884-85.

