Why is compaction of concrete necessary?
It is important to compact the concrete fully because:
- Air voids reduce the strength of the concrete. For every 1% of entrapped air, the strength falls by somewhere between 5 and 7%. This means that concrete containing a mere 5% air voids due to incomplete compaction can lose as much as one third of its strength.
- Air voids increase concrete's permeability. That in turn reduces its durability. If the concrete is not dense and impermeable, it will not be watertight. It will be less able to withstand aggressive iquids and its exposed surfaces will weather badly.
- Moisture and air are more likely to penetrate to the reinforcement causing it to rust.
- Air voids impair contact between the mix and reinforcement (and, indeed, any other embedded metals). The required bond will not be achieved and the reinforced member will not be as strong as it should be.
- Air voids produce blemishes on struck surfaces. For instance, blowholes and honeycombing might occur.
Summing up, fully compacted concrete is dense, strong and durable; badly compacted concrete will be porous, weak and prone to rapid deterioration. Sooner or later it will have to be repaired or replaced. It pays, therefore, to do the job properly in the first place. Stiff mixes contain far more air than workable ones. That is one of the reasons why a low-slump concrete requires more compactive effort than one with a higher slump - the compaction needs to continue for a longer time, or more equipment has to be used.
Even air-entrained concrete needs to be compacted to get rid of entrapped air voids. The difference between air voids and entrained air bubbles should be noted at this stage. The air bubbles that are entrained are relatively small and spherical in shape, increase the workability of the mix, reduce bleeding, and increase frost resistance. Entrapped air on the other hand tends to be irregular in shape and is detrimental to the strength of the mix. It is to remove this air that the concrete must be properly compacted. There is little danger that compaction will remove the minute air bubbles that have been deliberately entrained, since they are so stable.
To compact concrete you apply energy to it so that the mix becomes more fluid. Air trapped in it can then rise to the top and escape. As a result, the concrete becomes consolidated, and you are left with a good dense material that will, after proper curing, develop its full strength and durability.
Vibration is the next and quickest method of supplying the energy. Manual techniques such as rodding are only suitable for smaller projects. Various types of vibrator are available for use on site.
Poker Vibrators
The poker, or immersion, vibrator is the most popular of the appliances used for compacting concrete. This is because it works directly in the concrete and can be moved around easily.
Pokers with diameters ranging from 25 to 75mm are readily available, and these are suitable for most reinforced concrete work. Larger pokers are available - with diameters up to 150mm - but these are for mass concrete in heavy civil engineering.
Radius of action:
When a poker vibrator is operating, it will be effective over a circle centred on the poker. The distance from the poker to the edge of the circle is known as the radius of action. However, the actual effectiveness of any poker depends on the workability of the concrete and the characteristics of the vibrator itself.
As a general rule, the bigger the poker and the higher its amplitude, the greater will be the radius of action. It is better to judge from your own observations, as work proceeds on site, the effective radius of the poker you are operating on the concrete you are compacting. The length of time it takes for a poker vibrator to compact concrete fully depends on:
- The workability of the concrete: the less workable the mix, the longer it must be vibrated.
- The energy put in by the vibrator: bigger vibrators do the job faster.
- The depth of the concrete: thick sections take longer.