Floor Materials Beam and Slab Floor Q2

a) What are the factors to be considered when selecting floor materials? (10 marks)

b) Explain the following type of floor construction with the aid of fully labelled diagrams:

i) Suspended timber ground floor
ii) Beam and slab floor (15 marks)

(25 marks, 2012 Q2)

Similar question was asked in D06 2013 Q7a here. This question again repeated in D06 2016 Q7a.

Also in D12 2015 Q2 here.

(i) Suspended timber ground floor.

Similar question was asked in Part 1 2014 Q2 on suspended timber ground floor.

(ii) Bean and Slab Floor (Beam and Block here)






What is Slap?
A flat piece of concrete, typically used as a walking surface, but may also serve as a load bearing device as in slap homes. Classification please see here.

What is Slap? Extract from Slideshare, available at

Various image postings from search 'concrete slap floor'.