a) Explain the factors affecting the choice of roof structures in factory buildings. (10 marks)
b) Explain with sketches the types of roof-lights suitable for factories. (15 marks)
(25 marks, 2013 Q5)
(a) factors affecting roof structure for factory.
- Cost of construction - sophisticated roof like shell type roofing would cost more.
- Structural stability - Span and gradient. If too wide, it may bend or collapse.
- weather variables like wind, rain and surface water run-off
- Termal insulation if required
- Height and weight (if factory requires high ceiling, it cannot weigh too heavily as difficult to install)
Dead load - roof structure must be able to carry itself!
Live load - rain, run-off, snow or ice.
Wind load - pressure or suction from wind.
It must function to provide insulation from water from outside, water vapour from inside (if factory is engaging in heat generating activities), Solar radiation from outside, moist air flow from ventilation inside as hot air rises.
[x] Own account
(b) roof-lights
Various searches for images.