Water Piping Systems Q5

a) Explain the various materials that are used for water supply pipes. (10 marks)

b) The single stack system in the soil and waste system is the simplification of the one pipe system. With the aid of diagrams, explain the main requirements of the single stack system. (15 marks)

(25 marks, 2012 Q5)

Similar question was asked in

D12 2016 Q3

(a) Materials for water pipes.

A good reference is provided by Slideshare here. Factors affecting selection of material in piping are:

Common materials are:

(b) Single stack system.

It is a simplified One Pipe System. The differences of Single Stack System from One Pipe System is further discussed in 2015 Q4.

Prajyoti P. Upganlawar. House Drainage System, Faculty, Civil engineering department, S.P.B Patel Engineering College. Available at