Factors influencing buying decision Q4

Briefly explain:

(a) The major factors that influence the consumer buying behaviour. (15 marks)

(b) The factors that may influence the decision to purchase by a house buyer. (10 marks)

(25 marks, 2015 Q4)

(a) Major factors influencing consumer behaviour.

Similar question was asked in:

2013 Q3b - four (4) major factors that influence the behaviour of a consumer.

(b) Factors that may influence decision to purchase by a house buyer.

There are factors which are general and so are factors which are personal to the buyer. The answer to this type of question is an open ended one. You have to provide support as to why such factor(s) is (are) influencing the buyer, e.g. getting married is a factor to buy a house, but not to everyone.

Below is a table summarizing the factors that influence buying decision for first-time home buyer presented in a research paper.

Lizawati Abdullah et al. 2012. First-Time Home Buyers: Factors Influencing Decision Making. Conference Paper - 2012 International Conference on Innovation and Technology for Sustainable Built Environment (ICITSBE 2012). Available at,
