(a) State four (4) general principles of window design. (10 marks)
(b) Using diagrams, explain the types of window based on the methods of opening. (15 marks)
(25 marks, 2016 Q4)
a) 4 general principles of window design.
Proportion or Scale - Windows should exhibit a vertical emphasis to complement traditional styles. Where they include casements or glazing bars these should be symmetrically arranged. If wider windows are required, multiples of the basic unit should be considered.
Usability and Maintenance - In existing buildings, where ever possible, windows should be repaired rather than replaced. If windows have to be replaced they should match the materials and proportions of the windows already there. The following show examples of good proportions which appropriately reflect traditional window styles in Ceredigion. The simpler less cluttered forms generally look better.
Residential Design Principles.(1998) Ceredigion County Council. Available at
b) Types of window based on methods of opening.
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