When a holding has arrears unpaid, the local government can pursue legal action to siege the holding. Explain the law involved in this process. What is From H?
'Harta ini disita' carries the meaning of property being seiged by order of High Court to proceed for a sale to recover the Arrears owing to the local government, in accordance to s.151 of the Local Government Act, 1976.
See below on s.151.
In the example above, the holding has arrears unpaid, and the local government had issued Forms E and F and G to obtain payment in vain. See earlier postings on this:-
2014 Q6 Arrears due to local authority.
Proceeding in default of assessment payment.
Therefore, the local government by Local Government Act 1976, issue the Form H to siege the holding and seal the premises.
See the extract from S.148 of Local Government Act 1976 below.
Earlier posts.
S.148 Local Government Act 1976.