Elements of floor and types of finishes Q3

a) Using diagram, label the elements of solid ground floors and show the symbols of its material for each element. (10 marks)

b) List five (5) types of floor finishes suitable for two storey bungalow and state the reasons. (15 marks)

(25 marks, 2017 Q3)

a) Solid ground floor, symbols of materials

Similar question was asked in

2015 Q7iv


For more symbols, refer 2012 Q7i


Earlier posts.

b) 5 types of floor finishes for 2 storey bungalow & reasons

Various finishes for concrete flooring

Timber, ceramic tiles, mosaic, carpet, PVC tiles & Seamless Floor finishes - in the old days - terrazzo flooring.

2011 Q7


2013 Q7a

  1. Material Options - durability
  2. Aesthetics and Visual cues
  3. Acoustic Control
  4. Infection Control
  5. Cleaning and Maintenance
  6. Environmental impact
  7. Cost

Earlier posts.