Construction stages of a project and role of various stakeholders Q1

a) Explain the development stages of a construction project. (13 marks)

b) Describe the following roles in the development of a construction project:

i. Developer
ii. Contractor
iii. Consultant (12 marks)

(25 marks, 2019 Q1)

A. This is a standard repeat question.

a) Development stages of a construction project.

2011 Q1

Earlier post.

b) Roles of

i) Developer

Financing a construction project relies on having considerable funds available and for many individuals this isn't possible. Though there are some wealthy individual developers, it's more common for a collective of people to form a development company to spread the costs and risks of a construction project among a group. A construction developer is an individual or organisation involved in the procurement of land and construction of buildings on that land.

Project Feasibility

One of the principle roles of a developer is to assess the feasibility of a project. Feasibility studies look at all aspects of construction viability including construction site acquisition, planning consents, financing and appointing a professional team to undertake the design and construction. Historically, a developer's role was the remit of an architect and for many projects still is, but for larger projects it's more common for developers to take a managerial role and apportion work to construction professionals who can undertake and complete their own specialized roles within a project.

Financing and Project Timing

Developers are often the main financiers of construction projects. Many developers will have served apprenticeships in construction trades and will have a clear understanding of building design and construction related issues. Some developers will have in-house accountants who are aware of the financial aspects of running construction projects and more importantly when to begin them. Project success is often time-dependent as many buildings are built speculatively relative to economic trends that can quickly change.

Assembling a Team

The logistics of running construction projects is complex and one of the key objectives for a developer is the appointment of a professional team to undertake the design and construction. Though some development companies will have all the resources within their establishment, it's far more common to appoint consultants with specific experience in the nature of the project they are engaged in. One of the greatest demands on developers is the organization of the design and construction with their liaison to meet project deadlines.


Ultimately, construction developers are well-versed in project management and the demands of running a project in terms of resources and manpower. Working with multiple construction professionals who often have their own agendas requires patient and disciplined managers who are able to get different groups working together toward a combined goal. Project success is often time-dependent and meeting deadlines ranks among the most important aspects of a developer's responsibilities.


ii) Contractor

Developer is like the Director of the Firm, Contractor is like the General Manager of its smaller actionable parts, who carries out the daily activity of the Firm.

The possible situation of contractor involvement in a building construction project is-

  • The owner hires a project management team and the team hires a contractor. In this situation, the contractor will work under the project management team.
  • In another situation, the owner hires a contractor and the contractor employs a project management team. In this situation, the project management team will work under the contractor.

However, all three parties have their separate roles and responsibilities which are essential to complete the project successfully.

Regardless the way of contractor involvement the roles and responsibilities of a contractor in a building construction project are the same with a little variation.

5 Key Roles And Responsibilities Of A Contractor In A Building Construction Project

Generally, a contractor is responsible to plan, execute, supervise, inspect and direct a building construction project from start to finish regardless of the scope of the project. The contractor ensures that the project complies with all the specifications as outlined in the contract documents. As such, a contractor has many roles.

But we can combine them in five key roles. Under each role, a contractor has several responsibilities.

#1. Role Of A Contractor In Project Planning

Based on the project completion date, the project management team make a master schedule for the project.

To complete the project on time as per master schedule, the contractor has a huge role in planning.

Responsibilities Of A Contractor In Project Planning

  • The contractor should plan ahead all the crucial project development and implementation details.
  • Identifying and estimating various project issues like the required materials, equipment, and personal needs.
  • Forecasting any potential changes.
  • Implementing a reliable communication strategy among all involved stakeholders.
  • Highlighting all legal and regulatory issues and requirements.
  • Outlining an effective safety policy.

#2. Role Of A Contractor In Project Management

Another key role of a contractor in building construction is project management. As the contractor needs to complete the project on time, he needs to carry some responsibilities in project management.

#3. Role Of A Contractor In Project Monitoring

To complete the project as per specifications and mitigate various issues in the project, a contractor has a huge role in project monitoring. He normally needs to carry out some key responsibilities in this field.

Responsibility Of A Contractor In Project Monitoring

  • Monitoring time schedule.
  • Implementing cost-effective methods.
  • Monitoring work quality.
  • Implementing materials management system.
  • Monitoring safety related issues.

#4. Role Of A Contractor In Legal And Regulatory Issues

The contractor also has a role in legal and regulatory issues. Under this role, he has some responsibilities to make sure the project isn’t violating any legal terms.

Legal And Regulatory Responsibilities of A Contractor In A Building Construction Project

  • Making sure the project is in compliance with all the necessary legal and regulatory issues.
  • Acquiring all the necessary permits before proceeding with the project.
  • Paying or ensuring to pay all the fees and taxes required to complete the project.

#5. Role Of A Contractor In Health And Safety Issues

As health and safety is a big issue in construction, a contractor also needs to carry out a huge role in this.

He generally needs to carry out following responsibilities in the role.

Role Of A Contractor In Health And Safety Issue

  • Ensuring health and safety in the workplace.
  • Implementing a safety procedure and standards for the project.
  • Ensuring the usage of safety equipment in the project.
  • Implementing effective risk management and communication strategies.
  • Ensuring safety awareness among workers.


When a contractor is employed in a building project, he obviously signs an agreement. Based on the agreement, the roles and responsibilities of a contractor may differ.

But the overall roles and responsibilities of a contractor are somehow the same as I discussed in this post.


iii) Consultant

Roles of a construction consultant:-


Consultation is the situation which arise when a person needs and an opinion regarding a technical engineering problem from an expert civil engineering consultant. This may be requiring varied amount of time depending upon the critical nature of the problem. The duration of consultation may be brief or may be extended to some duration or may require considerable travel to the site.

Investigation of Problem

The construction consultant needs to study the problem over the field which might involve some amount engineering calculations and where as some consultants may also require pay visit to the site and inspect the structure and the equipments over the construction site. Consultants also need to review the reports and investigation prepared by client’s management an engineers.

Feasibility reports

These reports play a crucial role in determining the feasibility of the project after obtain the results of survey and engineering studies performed over the site. These reports are also necessary in order to confirm the engineering solution adopted to confirm with the economic feasibility of the structure. The aspects considered in the feasibility report are the requirements and the special needs of the project, estimated construction cost, alternate solution and expert recommendation and conclusions.

Engineering design

This aspect includes the dimensions and physical characteristics of the structure to be constructed. The dimensions of the structure are presented in the form of drawing which in laymen terms are refereed as blueprint. These blueprint are supplemented with along with written documents, commonly known as specifications.

Plans and specifications are curatively studied by consultant in order to direct the contractor regarding the work expected from him. The design process is also helpful in preparing the list of the materials to be procured often known as bill of quantizes to initiate the construction process.

The role of consultant in construction projects is to assist the clients with choosing the best contractor best for the project or also in case of purchase of materials. Procurement is the the crucial process in which consultant usually accepts receipts of proposals from one or many materials suppliers and selection is made on the basis of quality of material and economical feasibility.

Bids are solicited from the manufacturers and contractors through public notices along with plans, specifications, bids and contract documents in accordance with the legal documents. As the bids and renders are opened publically, the consulting civil engineer recommends the best contractor according to bids posted to the client.

Construction Supervision

Consultant has to keep a keen eye over the construction which is primarily bifurcated into two parts as of general supervision and resident supervision:

General supervision

  1. Timely and periodic visit to the site

  2. Consultation and guidance to client/owner

  3. Interpretation plan drawings and specification

  4. Checking the authenticity of drawing and data provided

  5. Processing and estimating contractor progress and further payments

  6. Guiding in amendments to contractors contract

  7. Final inspection and validation of project

  8. Preparation of “as-built’ drawings

Resident supervision

  1. This aspect of supervision requires the consulting engineer to send a representative or an engineer to the site of the project.

  2. The resident engineer over the site takes care of detailed inspection of the structure being constructed as per specifications and plans.

Legal services

Consultants play a vital role as an expert in the court proceeding and advises the client and lawyers on engineering related matters.


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