Accounting for GDP – Expenditure way

Illustrate how GDP can be calculated with the following events in your country.

Extracted from Khan Academy at

1. Khan Academy paid $100k for a new software to engineer - investment expenditure by Firm to improve future revenue. Thus, $100k.

2. Accenture got paid $10m by California for building IT System - investment expenditure by Government to improve future performance. Thus, $10m.

3. Old house sold to foreigner - no production, if new house it is export. Thus, 0.

4. Buy Japanese lawnmower $200 - Consumption expenditure but nothing is made in the country,  it is imported. Thus, Import -$200 + $200 Household Consumption = 0.

5. Buy new house $500k - Household consumption or Firm Investment. More likely Investment as it is for improvement of future condition. Thus, $500k.

6. American Airline paid for Airbus from Europe $100m - Investment expenditure but nothing is made in the country, it is imported. Thus, Import -$100m + Investment $100m = 0.

Aggregate = $100k + $10m + $500k = $10,600k.

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