Floor Finishes and Suitability Q7

a) Explain three (3) factors to be considered in selecting floor finishes. (9 marks)

b) Suggest and give reasons for selecting the types of floor finishes suitable for the following areas:-

i) Kitchen and toilet
ii) Bedroom
iii) Living area
iv) Car porch (16 marks)

(25 marks, 2013 Q7)

a) Factors to be considered in selecting floor finishes

Refer to earlier posts:
Choices of various finishes for concrete flooring here.
Types of floors - General here.

The factors (required by question only 3 factors) are:

  1. Material Options - durability
  2. Aesthetics and Visual cues
  3. Acoustic Control
  4. Infection Control
  5. Cleaning and Maintenance
  6. Environmental impact
  7. Cost

[Material Options
Material option usually involves issues of use, durability, maintenance and cost, although itself an independent factor to some people or under some conditions.

For example, flooring in wet area like kitchen and bathroom. Material option would likely restricted to tiles and vinyl rubber, rather than carpet or wood panels, obviously due to the durability of material under wet conditions.

On the other hand, flooring underneath the sun like open car park durability and cost would be a concern when selecting between different material tiles. Concrete cement flooring with minimal cost would usually be ideal.

In hospital or places with hygiene as the main concern, flooring which enables cleaning and maintenance would be the factors to consider. Rubber, vinyl and linoleum sheeting would be preferred over tiles and marbles because of its seamless nature. This features of being seamless would not accumulate dirt, fungi and bacteria, hence prevent the risk of spreading infection.

Aesthetic and Visual
Places of resting like bedroom should have the visual effect of calm and peace. Hence, selection of flooring would be important to consider such factor of use. Timber flooring or tiles with certain pattern (wood pattern) would be preferred to give such tranquil and natural cooling effect than rubber sheeting or artificial look. In such manner, cost and durability may be secondary, as bedroom furnishing is more of comfort and ambient at a premium than just affordability alone.

Marble or Ceramic Tiles are also good choices for bedroom as they are easily maintained. Different sizes and colours/patterns are now available to give a good ambient for the resting areas, to deliver comfort visually, and weather resistant flooring (damp floor are now prevented by DPC - damp proof course).

Refer earlier post on DPC:
Past year 2012 Q6b here.

Acoustic Control
Resting places like bedroom or TV room would require such ambient of sound proof or noise proof. This is obviously due to the their purpose for rest and entertainment. It is not public area like Living Area where acoustic concern is minimal, flooring with marble tiles or granite can be convenient and easy to maintain.

Infection Control
As mentioned above, certain standard of cleanliness is mandatory for places of hygiene like hospital or food preparatory sites. Seamless materials for flooring which enable easy and frequent cleaning, coupled with ability of waterproofing is priority over cost and aesthetic value.

Cleaning and maintenance
As illustrated above, cleaning and maintenance are crucial factors involved in selecting types of flooring. Dry and wet floors require different materials for the ease of cleaning and maintenance. Wet floors usually demands more durable materials and materials with water proofing ability than dry floor. Materials not suitable for their intended use would make cleaning and maintenance a nuisance. For example, using smooth surface ceramic tiles on wet areas posts safety hazard as slippery floor requires constant cleaning and maintenance to avoid tripping. Wooden flooring would not favour frequent mopping as its drys slower and the rough handling of mops can damage the wood.

Environment Impact
The environmental impact of every building material is open to consideration in today's tight regulatory standard, especially in health care facilities like hospital or old folks home.

As stewards of patients' health, the modern hospital must be cognizant and sensitive of the unintended effects of building materials. Additionally, the effects of cleaning chemicals on patients and staff can be of concern. Does a particular flooring material off-gas or release a potentially harmful chemical after installation? Will the maintenance procedure require the use of potentially hazardous chemicals or odors?
This is always a major factor for consideration in today's array of materials, their uses, durability (quality) and construction convenience. Some materials can be cheap but the installation and maintenance can turn out to be very costly. The issue of volume and replaceable materials may be a concern. For example, ceramic tiles of certain pattern or build can be nice and economical to install but, in time of cracks, replacement tiles may run out of pattern, size or colour.]

Patricia lvlalic and Ftoss McGrod, 2007. Big choices under foot - Design and materials trends
affect floor covering selection, available at
[x] own account.

i) Kitchen and toilet
Example in part a) Material Options

ii) Bedroom
Example in part a) Aesthetic and Visual, as well as Acoustic Control

iii) Living area
Example in part a) Aesthetic and Visual, as well as Acoustic Control

iv) Car porch (16 marks)
Example in part a) Material Options - open air car porch, exposed to weather changes. Need of durability, hence types of flooring used are concrete flooring, ceramic tiles and gravels.

Own account.