Functions of Roof – 2

In simple language, describe the functions of roofing.

Functions of Roof

i. To keep out rain, wind, snow and dust
ii. To prevent excessive heat loss in winter
iii. To keep the interior of building cool in summer
iv. To provide lateral restraint and stability to adjacent walls
v. To resist penetration of fire and spread of flame from external sources
vi. Designed to accept movement due to changes in temperature and moisture content

Introduction to Roof
A roof is one of the most important part of a building as it is the covering on the uppermost part of a building which could protect the building and its contents from the effect of weather. In most countries, a roof protects primarily against rain, yet it may also protect against heat, sunlight, cold and wind depends on the nature of the building.

Generally, there are two parts of roof, its supporting structure and its outer skin, or uppermost weatherproof layer. The supporting structure of a roof usually comprises beams that are long and of strong, fairly rigid material such as timber.

Besides, there is a wide range of roof types available and the choice may be influenced by a number of factors such as size and shape of buildings, appearance and economics. Roofs vary from flat roofs, not exceeding 30°,of timber or concrete, covered with one of a number of materials, to pitch roof of various structural forms which are usually covered with slates of tiles.
