Spot Q for 2015 D02 Intro to Law

Could you spot the questions for D02 Intro to Law in Estate Agent Exam Part 1, 2015?

See the analysis for the past years below:

Priority is assigned to the various topics as would want to do the smart approach. Of course, you would prepare the topic which has more questions as options. In D02 Law, obviously that is Contract which has a potential 2 questions. Indeed, it is a better bet than say Arbitration, which will be 1 question.

Contract is always out. There is always 1 question on Theory. Another question on Contract Act, 1950 or elements of Bad Contract, or on Performance of contract. The third is usually a case scenario on Contract but it can be anything else. Lastly, there will be a question on duty of Agent to Principal, or under Agency Contract.

Hence, there will be at least 3 questions out from Contract and Agency Contract. Then, there is always a question on introduction to Malaysian Legal System. So, if you just need to answer 4 questions well, concentrate on Contract, Agency Contract and Legal System.

Negligence, Nuisance, Tort or Trespass is another question. However, this is more of 'wide' as anything can come out.

Arbitration is a sure question. So, read up on Arbitration is a must! Hence, I have selected three readings for the topic.

1. Procedure and Law governing Arbitration in Malaysia.
2. Why Arbitration? Why KLRCA?
3. Arbitration as option of dispute settlement in Malaysia.

Therefore, if you only have limited time, try the below:

1. Legal System.
2. Contract Act, 1950, and Elements of Contract.
3. Contract - Voidable Contract, Mistakes in Contract, Performance, Breach of Contract.
4. Agent - Principal relationship (Tenancy)
5. Arbitration.

10.Jun.2015 (2 months ahead of exam in Aug, 2015)