What are the advantages and disadvantages of concrete frame structure?
1- Low Cost (Than Steel Structures)
2- Good Safety (Compared to its Price)
3- High Compressive Strength (Best choice for lower earthquake zones)
4- Material Availability (Than Steel Structures)
5- Wide Worker Availability & Easy Workmanship/Operation
6- Easy Maintenance & Lower Maintenance Cost
7- Better resistance against fire
1- Lower Safety (Compared to Steel Structures) (Fire Protection issues are excluded)
2- Seasonally Operatable in some areas (Cold/Hot Weather areas)
3- Lower Tensile Strength (Not Recommended in High Earthquake zones)
4- Larger area is occupied. E.g. Larger columns, beams etc... (than Steel Structures)
5- Weak Architectural Design flexibility
6- Non Recycle-able
7- Heavy load of Structures
Quora @ https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-reinforced-concrete-frame-structure