I have my personal reading list, you can check it out "Reading List" in the sub-menu linked here. However, to give you a summary:
Many subjects in the Estate Agent Examination are from the Statutes - laws, rules and standards. Below are the papers:
- D08 Estate Agency Law - VAEP Act 1981 and VAEP Rules 1986.
- D11 Estate Agency Practice - Same as above.
- D10 Law relating to Property - Other land law books (university level).
- D04 Taxation - RPGT Act 1976 & Income Tax Act 1967, and many statutes and various books on ratings, local government, town & country planning laws and regulation, Stamp Act 1949.
- D09 Valuation - town and country planning law.
- D02 Introduction to Law - Contracts Act 1950.
Other than these laws, you need to may be get another 4 books (elementary would do):
- Accounting book for D01
- Economics book for D03
- Marketing book for D05
- Building Technology book For D06 and D12
The last is Land Economics D07 - which is not a difficult subject, but the theories might appear complicated. So, do some search in the internet about all those theories. You do NOT usually get a text book of Land Economics in local bookstore unless you go to bookstore within university or college (where such subject is taught).
Many have asked me about how important are these books. My answer is they are not important unless you are totally blank at the subject matter. The fastest and most effective way is to go through the past year questions. If you have NEVER read a law book, then getting into the study is really difficult.
YOU DEFINITELY NEED an easy to understand book. So, go and look for the title I recommended.