Thomas Sim PEA2066 wrote a new post, Windows types and design principle Q4 5 years, 7 months ago
a) State four (4) general principles of window design. (10 marks)b) Using sketches, explain the types of window based on the methods of opening. (15 marks)
(25 marks, 2019 Q4)
Exact repeat of 2016 […]
Thomas Sim PEA2066 wrote a new post, Suspended and Fixed Ceiling, its finishes Q5 5 years, 7 months ago
a) Using sketches, describe the differences between fixed ceiling and suspended ceiling. (15 marks)b) Explain five (5) types of ceiling finishes normally used for suspended ceiling. (10 marks)
(25 marks, […]
Thomas Sim PEA2066 wrote a new post, Workability of concrete & factors influencing it Q6 5 years, 7 months ago
a) Define concrete. State the functions of each material used in concrete mix. (10 marks)b) Clarify workability of concrete. Explain the factors influencing the workability of concrete. (15 marks)
(25 marks, […]
Thomas Sim PEA2066 wrote a new post, Floor finishes Q7 5 years, 7 months ago
a) Explain the factors to be considered in the selecting floor finishes. (10 marks)b) Suggest and give reasons for selecting the types of floor finishes suitable for the following areas:
i. Living area
ii. […] -
Thomas Sim PEA2066 wrote a new post, Flyers & Disciplinary action against a REA Q1 5 years, 7 months ago
a) Define flyers and its contents as stated in the definition under Malaysian Estate Agency Standard (MEAS). (15 marks)b) Describe the disciplinary actions that may be taken against registered estate agents […]
Thomas Sim PEA2066 wrote a new post, Formation of Estate Agency Firm Q2 5 years, 7 months ago
Rohaidah is a newly registered real estate agent under the Board of Valuers, Appraisers, Estate Agents and Property Managers and has been working with ABC Realty Estate Agents for about ten (10) years. She […] -
Thomas Sim PEA2066 wrote a new post, EAP definition as in MEAS & Types of agency appointment Q3 5 years, 7 months ago
a) Define Estate Agency Practice as stated in the Malaysian Estate Agency Standard (MEAS). (5 marks)b) There are various types of estate agency appointments between vendors and real estate agency firms […]
Thomas Sim PEA2066 wrote a new post, Various terms used in tenancy & responsibility of landlord Q4 5 years, 7 months ago
a) Explain the following:i. Rent
ii. Utility deposit
iii. Notice to quit
iv. Security deposit
v. Advance rental (15 marks)b) Explain five (5) common responsibilities of the owner which are usually stated in […]
Thomas Sim PEA2066 wrote a new post, Various terms, misrepresentation misleading etc Q5 5 years, 7 months ago
Clarify the following:i. Misrepresentation
ii. Misleading
iii. Co-Agency
iv. Real Estate Negotiator (REN)
v. Proper office(25 marks, 2019 Q5)
i) Misrepresentation
Definition of “Misrepresentation” in […]
Thomas Sim PEA2066 wrote a new post, Code of Conduct & Approved area of training for PEA Q6 5 years, 7 months ago
a) Explain five (5) codes of conduct and ethics applicable to estate agents. (10 marks)b) Probationary estate agents should undergo continuous professional training. Describe three (3) areas of approved […]
Thomas Sim PEA2066 wrote a new post, Client's account and duties & responsibility of REA in keeping client's a/c Q7 5 years, 7 months ago
a) Define “Client’s Account”. (5 marks)b) Clarify ten (10) registered estate agent’s duties and responsibilities in respect of the Client’s Account. (20 marks)
(25 marks, 2019 Q7)
a) Client’s […]
Thomas Sim PEA2066 wrote a new post, Fiduciary duty and Rules 1986 for failing to act professionally Q1 5 years, 7 months ago
a) The relationship between a real estate agent and a client is called a fiduciary relationship. Briefly describe five (5) fiduciary duties a real estate agent owes his/her client. (10 marks)b) Explain the […]
Thomas Sim PEA2066 wrote a new post, Soliciting for business Q2 5 years, 7 months ago
Q.With examples, compare and contrast between soliciting for business and marketing of estate agency service.
(20 marks, 2019 Q2)A.
Similar question was asked in:
2016 Q52015 Q1
Marketing versus […]
Thomas Sim PEA2066 wrote a new post, Fee Schedule and Eviction of tenant Q3 5 years, 7 months ago
Q.a) State the scale of estate agency fee for the following:
i. Sale of Land and Building (3 marks)
ii. Lettings (6 marks)
iii. Rent Reviews (1 mark)
b) When a tenant has not paid rent, the remedies available to […] -
Thomas Sim PEA2066 wrote a new post, Pre Contract SPA stage and role of EA and Solicitor Q4 5 years, 7 months ago
a) The process of selling and buying property in Malaysia can be illustrated through 3 stages ie. pre contract, contract and post contract stage. Explain five (5) activities in the pre contract stage. (10 […] -
Thomas Sim PEA2066 wrote a new post, Private treaty vs Tender Q5 5 years, 7 months ago
a) Private treaty sale is a method commonly used in the sale and purchase of property. Explain three (3) advantages and disadvantages of this method to the Registered Estate Agents. (12 marks)b) Other than […]
Thomas Sim PEA2066 wrote a new post, MEAS Office & Advertisement Q6 5 years, 7 months ago
The aim of the Malaysian Estate Agency Standards is to ensure the quality and standard of estate agency practice. Clarify the provisions relating to:i. The establishment of an estate agency office. (10 […]
Thomas Sim PEA2066 wrote a new post, Types of appointments and strategy for developer of luxury apartment Q7 5 years, 7 months ago
a) Describe the different types of Estate Agency appointments according to the Malaysian Estate Agency Standards. (8 marks)b) Propose three (3) marketing strategies to a developer of a low-density luxury […]
Thomas Sim PEA2066 wrote a new post, Insurance and Loans Q8 5 years, 7 months ago
a) Describe three (3) types of insurance that should be considered when buying an industrial property. (10 marks)b) There are three main types of housing loans ie. Term Loan, Overdraft Facility, and […]
Thomas Sim PEA2066 wrote a new post, Land as factor of production Q1 5 years, 7 months ago
Land is an important factor of production in the economy.a) Describe four (4) characteristics of land as a factor of production. (12 marks)
b) Explain why land is an important input to the economic growth. […]
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