Floor structure for building Q4

a) Explain the factors affecting the choice of floor structures for a building. (10 marks)

b) Show two (2) types of floor construction suitable for a domestic building. (15 marks)

(25 marks, 2013 Q4)

(a) Factors affecting the choice of floor structure

As in almost every part of the house, there are a variety of options in exactly which type of floor construction is to be constructed. Factors affecting these choices may include:

  1. type of foundation system,
  2. type of soil or ground moisture,
  3. temperature (cold or hot/rainy extremities),
  4. insects and pests (timber flooring would be at risk of termite)
  5. anticipated floor loads,
  6. availability of materials,
  7. cost of construction/materials,
  8. common framing practices (if woods),
  9. preferences of your framer and/or house designer (aesthetic value)
Floor Construction under Home Building Answers, available at

[x] Own accounts

(b) 2 types of floor structures for domestic building

Similar question was asked in
2012 Q2b
2015 Q2b

Examples to select from are:

Suspended timber ground floor
Beam and slab floor
Bean and block floor
Concrete flush slab floor

Earlier posts.